Thursday, February 25, 2010

Who's Renting Space in YOUR Brain?

".....As we get older we let others take over some of our Psycho-Emotional turf; we let the ghosties move in and cripple us emotionally!"

Who's Renting Space in YOUR Brain and How to Reclaim It! is dedicated to all those who have followed what they were TOLD TO DO, haunted and daunted by those little voices (THEIR ghosties) who pop up at the most inopportune times and sabatoge them, and to all those who, despite all their personal development, reading and listening to CD's, visits to shrinks and debilitating self esteem have never found the KEY to banishing their ghosties.

Who's Renting Space in YOUR Brain and How to Reclaim It! has been gathering rave reviews from CEO and Publisher George Madiou of, Industry Leaders like Xango Legend Sandi Cohen, and readers just like you!

Sue Rissel of Pennsylvania has said, "Just finished reading "Who's Renting Space in Your Brain and How to Reclaim it" by RS Mallory. She's quite the talent at getting to the root of the problem, and I'm sure this book will give you as much of an eye-opener as it did me. I have a lot of "ghosties" to let go of. There are bonuses, too! Definitely worth the time to read!!! Just had an "aha" moment regarding friendships.... bumped into this wall a few times (so I've been told) and with little energy to think or even care I realized a few things about some people. It's amazing what clearing the mind of 'ghosties' can do!

Read more testimonies and learn more about Who's Renting Space in YOUR Brain and How to Reclaim It! by visiting

This is the first of a monthly series of Ebooks, conference call and webcasts and a host of resources to help you Banish YOUR ghosties for good!

May your day be a treasure bringing Increase and Plenty to your door.

Practicing Abundance, Prosperity & Kindness EVERY DAY,

RandiSusan Mallory
Compassionate Marketing
512.472.2604 Country Code 001
SKYPE or Oovoo: rsmallory

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